Glass Suite

Current Bottled Water Machine Prices In Nigeria 2023

bottled water machine prices in nigeria

bottled water machine prices in nigeria

Bottled water machine prices in Nigeria, now have in mind water is life oh yes it is actually and has become an enormous business for countless business visionaries in Nigeria.

One part of the water business that has been blasting for quite a while is the “bottled water business.” A vital piece of hardware utilized in this business is known as the “bottled water machine.” Without this machine, you can barely maintain the bottled water business reasonably.

In this post, we will examine how much a bottled water machine costs in Nigeria. There are various types of bottled water machines in the Nigerian market.

The significant distinction between these machines is their ability. This alludes to the number of jugs that each machine can bottle each hour.

Subsequent to checking various merchants disconnected and on the web, we have concocted a rundown of costs for you. Look at the rundown beneath to discover more about the costs of bottled water machines in Nigeria.

Current Bottled Water Machine Prices in Nigeria

Details Of Automatic Bottled Water Machine – N3.2 million to N4 million

Details of Automatic Bottle Water Machine – N5.5 million to N6.5 million

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Bottled Water Machine

Starting a bottled water business is no child’s play. One of the most difficult aspects is finding a bottled water machine to suit your purposes.

It is even more difficult when you are a novice in the industry. As we mentioned above, the quality of the machine that you purchase is integral to the profitability of your business.

Because of this, you must pay rapt attention to the machine that you will purchase. There are so many brands on the market, most of which are unknown to new entrants.

This is why we added this section to show you some factors to consider when choosing a bottled water machine.

Machine Accuracy

Bottled water machines are mostly automatic, as you would have seen from the list above. What this means is that accuracy is a very important factor in the operation of this machine. If the filling line is not accurate, you could be facing a lot of trouble that will stifle the growth of the business.

How is this so? When bottles are over-filled, then you have problems with your packaging. On the other hand, if they are filled below capacity, it could be a turn-off for your customers.

Either way, you could have customers agitated and complaining about your end product. This could mean losing them to the competition which signifies a downturn in the market share of your brand.

We must not forget the fact that overfilling bottles can also lead to wastage this means that you will be spending more on running your company than you should.

Your best bet is to seek professional help in checking the accuracy of the bottled water machine before purchase.

Level Of Automation

Great, you have money to invest in a bottled water machine and you know that it is accurate. That’s just part of the problem solved.

You now need to figure out how much automation you want from your machine. What this means is that you must put into consideration your production capacity and how fast the machine can work.

You must have noticed from the machines listed above that each machine has a number of bottles it can fill per hour.

Also, the machines have different capacities when it comes to washing heads, filling nozzles, and capping. There are a few questions that you must answer in this regard and we have listed them below:

These are just a few questions that you must answer your answers will make it easier for you to decide on what to do, this will save your company from unnecessary expenditure in the nearest future.

Level Of Integration

A very critical factor that you must consider is the ability of the bottled water machine to integrate other pieces of equipment.

Most times, the problem lies in trying to integrate a manual component with an automatic machine. Before you purchase a machine, you should take a peek into the future of your business.

Factor in what other machines you might need to incorporate into the bottled water machine. Now, ask questions about the capacity of this machine to integrate such components. If it is not capable, we suggest that you move on.

Type Of Container

You must put the type of container that you will be using into consideration. The container is a very important aspect of the production process. Bottled water machines are not compatible with all kinds of containers.

As such, you must first figure out the kind of container that you want to use. After this, you should then consider if the machine that you want to purchase is capable of handling this sort of material. Some machines are designed to handle PET bottles while others will only work with glass bottles.

Spending Plan

At last, you need to consider the amount you are willing and ready to spend on a bottled water machine. The measure of assets available to you will decide generally the sort of machine that you can buy.

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